Monday, June 21, 2010


Sometimes, I get these urges, a really strong feeling that I really want to be famous. But I'm not one of those fools that want to be famous for the money, to get recognized as a fool, I want to be famous for the doing the things I love. Singing, playing the piano -Music. It's so fun for me, it's like I'm creating a new life or something. I love it so much, I'd give up anything.

But that's rather selfish, don't you think?

Giving up anything for a dream? I don't think so. Because when I think about getting famous, I also think about the risks and the bad things that might happen to me. And it scares me -I might lose something for being so selfish. Then, I just realized that hey -life's a fucking gamble. Actually, no, I didn't realized, I of course knew this from the start. Life, gamble, yeah and all of those things. But that teaches me another thing too -I have to believe something I don't see, I can't hear and something almost impossible.

"Not impossible, just hard." A quote from an infamous movie. That's true, there's nothing easy in life, nothing ever will be than giving up. Yeah, that's easy -in some situations anyway. At least in mine, it's easy. It's easy giving up a dream, pretending like you never really thought of it. It's hard and heavy to regret though.

I want to be famous. I want to show my talent to the world because I know I have talent. And no, I'm not gonna waste it to working my ass 8 hours a day and getting paid so little of what I -we all- deserve. It's like that infamous parable, where there was a master and three servants. The two invested the money they were given, but the other gave up and got too scared to do anything. I don't want to be that coward -hiding what has been given to him and wasting the time he should have used for investment. I want these talents to grow, be found and such.

But maybe it's just not my time yet, maybe I just need to hold back a bit more before I do anything stupid. Yeah, maybe that's it. But, dammit, if that time really comes, I'm seriously gonna grab it and never let it go.

I don't want it to end up like my first love, hm?

1 comment:

  1. You should post on this blog the embed link of your song on youtube. You are a very good singer and lyricist!
